100 Free Online Courses On Computer Science

Learning Computer Science has never been easier than it is today. Well, you will have to work hard, but you can find courses more easily. Here are 100 courses on Computer Science from the best universities across the globe. And, did we mention, they all are free! Have a dekko:

Advanced Data Structures - Free Online Video,  Free Course Info & Video - Erik Demaine, MIT
Advanced Operating Systems Structures and Implementation - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video ,  John Kubiatowicz, UC Berkeley
Android Development - Free iTunes Video -David Fisher, UC Berkeley
Artificial Intelligence – Free iTunes Video â€“ Free Online Video & Course Info â€“Patrick Winston, MIT
Artificial Intelligence - Free Online Video - Free iTunes Video - Pieter Abbeel, UC Berkeley
Artificial Intelligence - Introduction to Robotics - Free Online Video ,  Free iTunes Video,  Free Course in Multiple formats â€“ Oussama Khatib, Stanford
Artificial Intelligence - Natural Language Processing - Free Course in Multiple formats -Christopher Manning, Stanford
Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video ,Free Course in Multiple formats - Andrew Ng, Stanford
Artificial Intelligence - Free Online Video , Free Video Download - P.Dasgupta, IIT
Basic Concepts of Operating Systems & System Programming - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video - Anthony Stoica, Anthony Joseph, UC Berkeley
Bits: The Computer Science of Digital Information - Free Course in Multiple Formats -Harry Lewis, Harvard
Blender 3D Design - Free iTunes iOS Course , Course Info - Neal Hirsig, Tufts
Building Dynamic Web Sites - Free iTunes Video & Audio , Free Course Video & Audio - David Malan, Harvard Extension
Building Mobile Applications - Free iTunes Audio , Free Course Info & Video - David Malan, Harvard Extension
Codecademy - Web Site
Coding Together: Apps for iPhone and iPad (2012) - Free iTunes Video - Paul Hegarty, Stanford
Coding Together: Apps for iPhone and iPad (2013) - Free iTunes Video - Paul Hegarty, Stanford
Computational Camera and Photography - Free Online Audio , Course Info - Ramesh Raskar, MIT
Computational Discrete Mathematics - Free Web Course - Carnegie Mellon
Computer Architecture - Free Online Video , Free Video Download - Anshul Kumar, IIT Delhi
Computer Graphics - Free Online Video - Free Video Download - Sukhendu Das, IIT
Computer Language Engineering - Free Course Materials & Video - Martin Rinard, MIT
Computer Networks - Free Online Video , Free Video Download -  S.Ghosh, IIT
Computer Systems - Free iTunes Video - Stan Warford, Pepperdine
Computer System Engineering - Free Course Materials & Video - Robert Morris &Samuel Madden, MIT
CS50, Harvard's Introductory Computer Science Course - Free Online Video , Free Course Materials & Video Free iTunes iOS Course - David Malan, Harvard
CS50, Harvard’s Introductory Computer Science Course (2013 Update) - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video , Course Information (Background) - David Malan, Harvard
Database Systems Design - Free iTunes Video - Rob Meredith, Monash University
Data Structures - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video - Paul Hilfinger, UC Berkeley
Data Structures and Algorithms - Free Online Video - , University of New South Wales
Data Structures - Free iTunes Video - Stan Warford, Pepperdine
Design in Computing - Free Online Video - , University of New South Wales
Developing Apps for iOS 5 (iPhone & iPad) - Free iTunes Video - Paul Hegarty, Stanford
Developing iOS 7 Apps for iPhone and iPad - Free iTunes Video - Paul Hegarty, Stanford
Developing iPad Applications for Visualization and Insight - Free iTunes Video - Niki Kittur, Carnegie Mellon
Discrete Mathematical Structures - Free Online Video , Free Video Download - Kamala Krithivasan, IIT
Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory - Free Online Video , Free Online Video 2Umesh Vazirani, UC Berkeley
Discrete Stochastic Processes -  Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Course Materials & Video - Robert Gallagher, MIT
Discrete Structures - Free iTunes Video - Sergio Dibiasi, Rutgers
Discrete Structures - Free iTunes Video - Stan Warford, Pepperdine
Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video ,Free Online Video 2 - Christos Papadimitriou & Satish Rao, UC Berkeley
Foundations of Computer Graphics - Free Online Video - Ravi Ramamoorthi, UC Berkeley
Great Insights in Computing - Free iTunes Audio & Video - Rutgers
Higher Computing - Free Online Video - Richard Buckland, University of New South Wales
Human-Computer Interaction Seminar - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video - Multiple Staff, Stanford
Innovative Computing - Free Online Video - Multiple Profs, Harvard
Intensive Introduction to Computer Science Using C, PHP, and JavaScript - Multiple Formats - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video - David Malan, Harvard
Introduction to Algorithms - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video , Free Course Materials & Video - Prof. Charles Leiserson & Erik Demaine, MIT
Introduction to Computer Graphics & GPU Programming - Free iTunes Video - Eric Chan & Hanspeter Pfister, Harvard
Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers - Free iTunes AudioFree iTunes Video - Roberto Horowitz, UC Berkeley
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Courses Materials & Video - Eric Grimson, John Guttag, MIT
Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Methodology - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Course in Multiple formats - Mehran Sahami, Stanford
Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Abstractions - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Course in Multiple formats - Julie Zelenski, Stanford
Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Paradigms - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Course in Multiple formats - Jerry Cain, Stanford
Introduction to Computer Architecture (2013) - Free Online Video , Course Info - Onur Mutlu, Carnegie Mellon
Introduction to Computer Architecture (2012) - Free Online Video , Course Info - Onur Mutlu, Carnegie Mellon
Introduction to Computer Graphics - Free Online Video , Free Video Download - Prem Kalra, IIT
Introduction to Computing for Non-Majors - Free iTunes Video - JT Chirco, Rutgers
Introduction to Computing - Free iTunes Video - JT Chirco, Rutgers
Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Courses Materials & Video - Multiple Professors, MIT
Introduction to Embedded Systems - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video - Professors Sanjit Seshia, Edward A. Lee, UC Berkeley
Introduction to Formal Systems & Computation - Free iTunes Video - Multiple profs, Harvard
Introduction to Information Studies - Free iTunes Audio - Robert Frost, University of Michigan
Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming - Free Online Video , Free Video Download - Deepak Gupta, IIT
iPhone Application Development in iOS5 (Fall 2011) - Free iTunes HD Video , Free iTunes Standard-Def Video
iPhone Application Development (Spring 2009) - Free iTunes Video - Stanford
iPhone Application Development (Winter 2010) - Free iTunes Video - Stanford
Linux Implementation/Administration Practicum - Free iTunes Video - Tulio Llosa, U of Illinois, Springfield
Logic & Proofs - Free Web Course - Carnegie Mellon
Machine Structures - Free iTunes Video - David Culler, UC Berkeley
Machine Learning - Free iTunes Video - Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa, CalTech
Massively Parallel Computing - Free iTunes Video - Harvard
Mathematics for Computer Science - Free Online Course Materials & Video - Tom Leighton, MIT
Media Programming - Free Web Course - Carnegie Mellon
Methods of Mathematics - Free Online Video - Free iTunes Video - Per-Olof Persson, UC Berkeley
Mobile Software Engineering - Free Video + Courses Info - David Malan, Harvard
Multicore Programming Primer - Free iTunes Video - Free Online Video & Course Materials - Saman Amarasinghe, MIT
Online Graphics - Free Online Video - Ravi Ramamoorthi, UC Berkeley
Operating Systems and System Programming - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video , Multiple professors, UC Berkeley
Performance Engineering of Software Systems - Free Online Video , Free Video & Course Info - Multiple Professors, MIT
Principles of Computing - Free Web Course - Carnegie Mellon
Principles of Digital Communications I - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video & Course Info - Profs Gallagher and Zheng, MIT
Principles of Digital Communications II - Free Online Video , Free Online Video & Course Info - MIT
Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability - Free Online Video , Free Video & Course Info - John Tsitsiklis, MIT
Programming Languages and Compilers - Free Online Video - Paul Hilfinger, UC Berkeley
Programming Languages and Compilers - Free Online Video - Web - Ras Bodik, UC Berkeley
Programming for Designers - Free Online Video - UNSW
Python - Free Online Video - Nick Parlante, Google
Quantum Computing for the Determined - Free Online Video - Michael Nielsen, The University of Queensland
Responsible Computing - Free Web Course - Carnegie Mellon
Search Engines: Technology, Society and Business - Free Online Video - Marti Hearst, UC Berkeley
Software as a Service - Free Online Video - Armando Fox and David Patterson, UC Berkeley
Software Engineering - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Audio , Free iTunes Video ,Web - Multiple Professors, UC Berkeley
The Beauty and Joy of Computing - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video - Brian Harvey, UC Berkeley
The Beauty and Joy of Computing - Free Online Video - Web - Dan Garcia, UC Berkeley
The Future of the Internet - Free iTunes Audio - Ramesh Johari, Stanford
The Society of Mind - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Course Info - Marvin Minsky, MIT
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Web - Brian Harvey, UC Berkeley
Understanding Computers and the Internet - Free iTunes Audio & Video , Free Course Info & Video , David Malan, Harvard University
Visual Navigation for Flying Robots - Free Online Video - Juergen Sturm
XML with Java - Free iTunes Audio , Free Course Info - David Malan, Harvard

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