The most powerful feature of Linux lies in its Command Line. But Terminal isn't meant to be this serious always, you can also have fun using some funny and amusing command lines. If you aren't aware of these yet, here are some amusing commands that will bring up the funny side of Linux:
1. moo
To install, run : $ apt-get moo
This will display:
1. moo
To install, run : $ apt-get moo
This will display:
2. sl
The command is used to display files in a directory, but if you make a typo error and type sl instead you will be amused by an animated train running across your screen.
To install sl, run the command below: $ sudo apt-get install sl
3. figlet
Figlet is used to display large characters created out of ordinary screen characters.
To install Figlet, run the command :
$ sudo apt-get install figlet
After installation you can run : $ figlet character, hence running:
figlet THE Coders
4. xcowsay
xcowsay displays a cute cow and a speech bubble.
Install xcowsay : $ sudo apt-get install xcowsay
Running xcowsay I Love THE Coder displays:
5. oneko
oneko brings a cute cat on your desktop to chase your mouse pointer everywhere it goes. The command also have other versions of bringing dog and other animals.
Install oneko : $ sudo apt-get install oneko
Running oneko displays this cute cat:
6. xeyes
Xeyes brings eyes on your desktop that will spy on your mouse wherever it goes.
Run : $ xeyes
It brings:
7. rev
This command is for reversing any input. So if you put in "THE Coders", the ouput will be
"sredoC EHT"
8. fortune
fortune brings a random sentence, just like the fortune cookies do. The command isn't always installed by default so you need to install it. In Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install fortune
Run : $ fotune -s
Now, also you can combine this with the cowsay or xcowsay command to make it funnier by running:
$ fortune -s|xcowsay
Which will bring :